Mp Board Class 12th English Trimashik Paper 2023-24 -sat-A

नमस्कार छात्रों हमारे वेबसाइट  पर आपका स्वागत है इस पेज पर आपको Mp Board  Trimashik Paper 2023 ( Quarterly Exam 2023-24 ) में पूछे जाने वाले  महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न आप को प्रोवाइड  किया जा रहा है| आप इन सभी क्वेश्चनो को विशेष रूप से याद करने  | यह आपके  त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023-24 के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध हो सकता है | ऐसे ही आपको कक्षा 9वीं to 12वीं  के सभी सब्जेक्ट ओं का महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न प्रोवाइड किया जाएग |

Mp Board Class 12th English Trimashik Paper 2023-24 (sat-B)

एमपी बोर्ड 12वीं  त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023-24 ।  MP Board Class 12th English Trimashik paper 2023 

          मध्य प्रदेश लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय मध्यप्रदेश में कक्षा- 12वीं की त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023 ( 12/09/2023 )  से  कराने का फैसला लिया है।  जिसकी तैयारी छात्रों को करना बेहद जरूरी है जिस को ध्यान में रखते हुए मध्य प्रदेश बोर्ड ने सभी सब्जेक्ट का सिलेबस भी जारी कर दिया है। आप सभी विद्यार्थियों को एमपी बोर्ड के द्वारा जारी किए गए syllabus के  according MP Board Trimashik Paper 2023-24 की तैयारी करनी पड़ेगी। 

MP Board class 12th अंग्रेज़ी Trimashik Paper 2023-24 pepar – Download 

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Madhya Pradesh Directorate of Public Education has decided to conduct Quarterly  examination of class 12th in Madhya Pradesh. The preparation of which is very important for the students. keeping in mind that the Madhya Pradesh Board has also released the syllabus of all the subjects. All of you students will have to prepare for the MP Board Quarterly Paper 2023-24 according to the syllabus issued by the MP Board.

MP Board Class 12th अंग्रेज़ी Quarterly Exam 2023-24 कैसा आएगा –

          मध्य प्रदेश लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय मध्यप्रदेश  कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेज़ी का त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023-24  का पेपर आपके सिलेबस के आधार पर बनाया जाएगा , जो कि बोर्ड ने पहले ही सिलेबस जारी कर दिया है। बोर्ड ने पेपर बनाने का एक फार्मूला तैयार किया है जिसमें 30% आसान सवाल तथा 40 % मध्य वर्ग के सवाल तथा 30% कठिन सवाल पूछे जाएंग। 

MP Board 12th Trimashik Pepar 2023-24 Overview


Read More : Mp Board 9th to12th Trimasik Pariksha Syllabus 2023-24 – PDF Download

MP Board 12th All Subject त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023-24 – PDF Download 

  Subject Sat – A Sat – B
1 12th Hindi Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B –  Click heare
2 12th English Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B –  Click heare
3 12th Physics Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
4 12th Chemishtry Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
5 12th Biology Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
6 12th Maths Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
7 12th अर्थशास्त्र Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
8 12th राजनीति विज्ञान Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
9 12th भूगोल Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
10 12th लेखाशास्त्र Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
11 12th इतिहास Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
12 12th व्यवसाय अध्ययन Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare
13 12th समाजशास्त्र Quarterly Paper 2023-24 Sat – A –  Click heare Sat – B – Click heare


एमपी बोर्ड 9th to12वीं हिंदी त्रैमासिक परीक्षा सिलेबस 2023-24 ( 9th to 12th English Trimasik Pariksha Syllabus)

Class Quarterly Exam Syllabus
9th Click Here
10th Click Here
11th Click Here
12th Click Here


MP Board 12th English त्रैमासिक परीक्षा (Trimashik Paper ) 2023-24  : –

Time-03 hours                                   SUBJECT-ENGLISH (Set-A)                                            MM -80


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Q.1- Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.            1×10=10
Time was when people looked heavenward and prayed, “Ye Gods, give us rain, keep drought
away.” Today there are those who pray. “Give us rain, keep El Nino away.” El Nino and its
atmospheric equivalent, called the Southern Oscillation, are together referred to as ENSO,
and are household words today. Meteorologists recognize it as often being responsible for
natural disaster worldwide. But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered, first from
the lack of knowledge, and then from the lack of coordination between policy making and
the advances in scientific knowledge. Put simply, El Nino is a weather event restricted to
certain tropical shores, especially the Peruvian coast. The event has diametrically opposite
impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a desert. But every few years, an
unusually warm ocean current – El Nino – warms up the normally cold surface-waters off the
Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in the early half of the year, and then, miraculously,
the desert is matted green. Crops like cotton, coconuts and banana grow on the otherwise
stubbornly barren land. These are the Peruvians’ anos de abundencia or years of
abundance. The current had come to be termed El Nino, or the Christ Child because it
usually appears as an enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally occurs here
around every Christmas. But this boon on land is accompanied by oceanic disasters.
Normally, the waters off the South American coast are among the most productive in the
world because of a COMPREHENSION TEST constant up swelling of nutrient rich cold waters
from the ocean depths. During an El Nino, however waters are stirred up only from near the
surface. The nutrient-crunch pushes down primary production, disrupting the food chain.
Many marine species, including anchoveta (anchovies) temporarily disappear. This is just
one damning effect of El Nino. Over the years its full impact has been studied and what the
Peruvians once regarded as manna, is now seen as a major threat.
i. Meteorologists took time to understand El Nino because
(a) they recognized it as an atmospheric equivalent and hence called it Southern Oscillation.
(b) they suffered from lack of knowledge about El Nino as they were not scientifically
(c) it was neither a disaster nor a boon for the people living in desert areas.
(d) All of the above
ii. El Nino in a layman language is
(a) Southern Oscillation.
(b) a weather event.
(c) a natural disaster.
(d) None of the above.
iii. What are the two types of landscapes that are effected by El Nino?
(a) Tropical shores and land.
(b) Deserts and oceans.
(c) Coastal areas and sea.
(d) All of the above.
iv. Which of the following word is the antonym for Fertile?
(a) abundance. (b) barren. (c) matted. (d) None of the above.
v. What, according to the author, is a positive effect of El Nino?
(a) It results in vegetation on barren lands.
(b) It comes around Christmas.
(c) It causes changes in atmosphere.
(d) It is regarded as manna.
vi. How can we say that El Nino proves to be a boon for South American Coast?
(a) It causes the destruction of many marine species such as anchoveta.
(b) It warms up normally cold surface waters off causing heavy rains.
(c) It causes an upswelling of rich nutrients making it the most productive in the world.
(d) It enhances warm currents around every Christmas.
vii. The years of abundance is when
(a) the deserts are matted green.
(b) marine species is destroyed.
(c) El Nino occurs during Christmas.
(d) None of the above
viii. The phrase, ‘damning effect’ means
(a) destructive effects.
(b) full effects.
(c) negative effects.
(d) disrupting effects.
ix. People today, pray to God to keep
(a) drought away.
(b) El Nino away.
(c) rains and droughts away.
(d) El Nino and droughts away.
x. The word which means – equal in value, power and meaning is
(a) current.
(b) equivalent.
(c) unusual.
(d) appear.

इसे पढ़े :-  Mp Board 9th Maths Trimashik Paper 2023-24 sat-B

Q3. Design an attractive poster with catchy slogans on ‘Blood Donation Camp’ to be held at Govt.
hospital of area.

Q.4- You are Tanmay jain studying in Govt. Model HSS Jhabua. Write an application to your
principal to change your subject from Biology to Humanities.

Q.5- With the help of the following inputs given below produce a write up on ‘NSS Camp’ (in about
120 words)
a. NSS Camp in Rampur village

Q.14- Answer the following question in about 75 words 3×1=3
Write the central idea of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet.
In the poem My Mother at Sixty-Six, what were the poet’s feelings at the airport? How did she
hide them?
Q.15- Answer the following question in about 75 words 3×1=3
Write a character sketch of Dr. Sadao.
How did Charley reach the third level of the Grand Central Station

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